Dr Anthony offers DONATION BASED health & fertility consultations that are tailored specifically to your individual needs.

A fee of €100 is suggested for each consultation. Consultations last for up to 1-hour.

To book an consultation click the “Book Now” button and you will be directed to a booking calendar.

There is a €50 fee for missed consultations or cancellations on the day of your appointment.

Intuitive health

Intuitive Health

A health and wellbeing consultation

This consultation provides a comprehensive assessment of your health that includes an intuitive review of your current energetic wellbeing, diet recommendations, supplementation advice and lifestyle guidance. These consultations are especially beneficial for those seeking to regain vitality in life, offering a starting point for transformative change.

Suggested consultation fee €100

Dr Anthony will intuitively assess your current situation and provide the best support possible based on what your body, mind, emotion and soul needs.

Intuitive fertility

Dr Anthony is a fertility specialist that combines the principles of restorative reproductive medicine with traditional healing.

He helps individuals and couples prepare for, or recover from, a fertility journey. Perhaps you are:

  • Curious about your reproductive health and future fertility and want to be assessed?

  • Currently actively trying and want some advice or support?

  • You are considering preserving your eggs or sperm?

  • You are undergoing IVF and want to optimise your egg or sperm quality?

  • You are currently undergoing IVF with donor eggs / sperm and want to optimise your womb environment?

  • You have had an unsuccessful embryo transfer?

  • Your body has changed after the trauma of assisted methods like IVF?

  • You are grieving after an unsuccessful journey?

  • You are grieving after miscarriage and the loss of a baby?

If you would like advice or support with any of these experiences, please book an Intuitive Fertility Consultation with Dr Anthony to explore how he may be able to help.

Dr Anthony can provide a safe space for healing in addition to diet, supplement and lifestyle advice to promote egg and sperm quality. He can also prescribe fertility medicines, conduct hormonal health blood testing, women’s ultrasound assessment including follicle tracking, and men’s sperm analysis including DNA fragmentation index testing.

Intuitive fertility

A comprehensive reproductive health consultation

This consultation covers all aspects of fertility depending on your needs and may include optimisation of your reproductive health, maximising your possibility of pregnancy during IVF, or offering support during recovery from grief and loss after miscarriage or an unsuccessful journey. 

Suggested consultation fee €100

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 8pm

Tuesday 8am - 5.30pm

Wednesday 8am - 5.30pm

Thursday 8am - 4pm

Friday 8am - 5.30pm